Sunday, 22 January 2012

Introduction to My New Blog

Well all of you have been faithful at visiting and reading my blog and for that I am very thankful. This blogs focus was on the construction progress with Kids Alive in Lima and I intended it to be used by service team members who had been to Lima so that they could keep up with what happened when they were not here.
   Brenda and I have now switched from Kids Alive to South America Mission and have moved from Lima to Pucallpa, Peru. With this new chapter in our lives and our ministry I have decided to start a new blog as well. I want this blog to be more personal, more fun and I hope that you will follow along with me as I serve God here in Pucallpa. The title of my new blog comes from a song that we would sing in my home church back in Canada and was one of my favorites. My blog is called My hope is built on nothing less... and its address is Please enjoy the blog and the posts that I put up there. Also please feel free to leave comments on the posts, I would love to hear from you.