Saturday, 9 August 2008

Thank you HBC Team 2

Today we are saying goodbye for now to our service team from Hespeler Baptist Church in Cambridge, Ontario. This year Hespeler sent down 19 people to work at our Manchay "Oasis" care centre. The teams accomplished so much at the centre as well as visited many of our families that we minister to in the community. Pictured above is one of the highlights of their trip. Since the care centre has officially been named the OASIS, which it truly is in a desert of poverty, we figured we had better get some green on the property. We now have a lush green front lawn and our name spelled out in brick pavers which you can see as soon as you enter the door. The teams completed numerous jobs which included advancing our new 2 storey building almost to the point of pouring the concrete floor. Thank you Hespeler Baptist Church for your continued love and support of our ministries here in Peru.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Our First Leaky Roof Project

Yesterday, along with the team from Hespeler Baptist Church, we helped our first family of our Leaky Roof Project. We met this family through a friend of ours and thought they were good candidates for our new program. Their house had a roof made of cardboard, and old tarp and some really old roofing materials.
Pictured above is the finished house with its leak free roof. Even though we get next to no rain here, there are still hazy and misty days when water can gather on a roof.

While there, we decided to build this stone staircase to help the family climb to the back of their property. The family, which consists of a single mother with two daughters, was very appreciative of our help. We hope that through community outreach programs such as this, we can reach more families for Christ.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Well Done

The digging and forming of our well in Pachacamac is finished. We are in the process of buying a pump and hooking up a generator to get the water to the surface. The well is not as deep as we anticipated, but the contractor digging it said there was too much water for him to continue which is a good sign. Although our Pachacamac home will more than likely be tied into the municipal water system, our well will serve as a source for our water for the many fruits and vegetables and other plants that we hope to be able to grow here.