As mentioned a couple posts ago we now have a new, really cool chicken coop. The coop was built because we had a couple donors that wanted to buy us some chickens. We had also received some money from our missions gift catalogue. Well I hooked up with our good friend Jeff Morgan and we went for a tour of the chicken operations at the agricultural university and we brought home 10 beautiful HyLine Brown hens. They are a breed that are excellent egg layers and in their first 2 days with us they have given us 17 eggs.

The chicken coop is a huge hit with the hens although they haven't quite gotten the hang of using the nesting boxes yet. We have found eggs on the floor, under the ladder, half way up the ladder and right beside the feed tray. The hens seem very happy in their new home and the kids at the children's home are very happy to have their new friends. So the next time you come on a work team, who knows, you may be eating farm fresh eggs right from our very own chickens.