The month of October began with an announcement that the Lima Childrens home had finally gotten approval to move to their new home in Pachacamac in February 2010. That was very exciting news but it also meant that we at Kids Alive Peru construction had a lot of work on our plates to get the new home ready. Through planning meetings it was determined that in order for the move to go smoothly we would need to have houses 1 through 4 completely finished and house 5 usable as a central kitchen. Well at the beginning of this month house 5 got underway in construction, we bought and started laying tiles in house 3 and we started planning for a team from Forward Baptist in Cambridge.

We are now at the end of October and the shell of house 5 is completed. Eduardo, Roy and myself have just about completed the tiles. We have had windows installed in house 3 and the Forward Baptist team has come and gone. During their time here the team painted house number 4, installed all interior doors on houses 3 and 4, completed all baseboards in house 3 and grouted all the tiles. They roofed a covered work area preparing for next years teams, installed many toilets, showers, laundry sinks and a water tank. They also did lots of gardening in the area of our septic system. The team had finished all the work that I had planned for them with one day remaining. During their time here we had received a couple inquiries into whether or not we could accomodate some chickens on our property. With just a day left I proposed to the team that we build a chicken coop and get our egg production underway. With a master homebuilder and a former farmgirl leading the way, the team came up with plans for the chicken coop that you see below. Not bad for one days work.

So the chickens are happy in their new home, but we still need to get the children into theirs. Eduardo and I will be very busy over the next two months. Our plan is to get windows installed on house number 4, install tiles in house number 4, probably finish the bathrooms in house 4 and find a good source for exterior doors for the next 3 houses. We are still a ways off from being able to realize our goal. In the new year we need a steady stream of teams to help us reach that goal of a February move-in so if you are feeling like you would like to help us, either financially or as a part of a work team, contact the Kids Alive office and we would be glad to talk to you.