Saturday 5 July 2008

Well-That is a deep subject

Today the three of us headed down to Pachacamac with plans in hand and measured out the location for our well. We met the contractor who is going to dig it and we discussed depth, diameter and materials to go into the walls of the well. The guy said that usually after 2 metres you will encounter water and we decided that he would aim for 8 metres depth for the finished well. He and his crew are going to start on Monday and they are digging the whole thing with shovels and picks. He estimated 20 days till completion. This is our first step in beginning construction of our new children's home on this site. With the water from the well our building contractor will be able to mix his cement and get started on our families houses. How exciting! Check the blog later in the week and I will get some pictures of the progress of the well.