Monday, 23 March 2009

Pachacamac Update

Things are progressing at a good pace in Pachacamac. Construction is finished on houses 1 and 2 and finish work on house 1 is 95% done with only the kitchen cupboards and closets to go. Finish work on house 2 is about 60% with doors, cupboards, windows and tiles to finish. Construction on house 3 is 95% done with only the floor to pour and the next work team is set to paint, install electrical and lay tiles. House number 4 is getting started as you can see below.
Above is the footing for house 4 with some of the rebar for the columns in place.

Above is our internal waste water treatment project. This system takes all of the waste water from the property and seperates the liquids from the solids. It then treats the liquids in a sealed tank from where they pass into a water garden. In the water garden they filter down through 4 different stages of particulate and also feed aquatic plants with their nutrients. After being filtered through the garden the water passes into the above pictured pool where we are able to raise a fish called Talapia which our families can eat. The excess water from the fish pond gets pumped out into our irrigation system for our gardens. This system will be finished and functional within the next 2 weeks.

Calvary Baptist/LAM Team

This past week we had a team here from Oshawa, Ontario. This team had a good mixture of men and women and of Spanish speakers and non Spanish speakers as well. The team mainly worked in Pachacamac completely painting house number 2, installing electricity in house 2 as well as installing an electrical panel at the street and running conduit and lines for future buildings, they installed a water tank on house 2 and did a lot of clean up and prep work on house 3. Besides all this they managed to pour 2 more sections of driveway in Manchay and in the photo above you can see a special side project that they did. This is a retaining wall at a womans house in Manchay. Last year when the municipality came by to put sewers in they knocked down her old wall. They never came back to fix it so with some money that had been donated this team went and built her a nice, new wall. Thank you very much Calvary Team for all your hard work and we look forward to your next visit to Peru.