We just had a team here from St. Marys University and Fresno State in California. The team had 3 leaders and 14 students who were a lot of fun. This was a little bit different team for us in that they wanted to do construction work in the mornings and then teach sports in the afternoons. The construction work consisted of tying rebar grids, mixing and pouring about 30 meters of cement sidewalks and moving and levelling topsoil and planting sod.

As mentioned above the team taught sports clinics. These took place in Pachacamac at the Juniper Tree on our sports courts and also in Manchay both at the Oasis and at a local soccer field. The kids really enjoyed learning soccer, volleyball and basketball skills. For many of these kids this would have been the first time getting actual instruction in sports. After hours the team took the chance to invite some locals for some friendly soccer games.
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